Originally Posted by Steve
Anyone have any first hand knowledge about SCCY pistols? I have watched several vids on them, and other than Hickock45 having some picky ammo issues, they look pretty good for , as they say "the money".
I have a friend that considering picking one up to stash away for SHTF moments, and he was asking me my opinion. I told him what I had seen, but I figured I would come to the "Knowledge Bank" and see what could be drug up.
I was able to try a sccy pistol before. My biggest complaint on the gun is the horrible trigger. The long trigger pull is very gritty and you can actually feel the plastic trigger flexing a bit during the long trigger pull. Best pistol in that size i have tried is the Kel tec PF9. Your friend should try the different pistols out if a range has them as rentals. Its the best way to know what he's comfortable with.