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Old 12-12-2016, 07:45 AM   #1
Porch Dweller
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Default Duty Free Habanos

My wife, I, and some family just returned from a Western Caribbean cruise. Apparently, Habanos S.A. and Duty Free now have an agreement so some Cubans are being stocked. There were large displays of them in the DF shops in Costa Maya, Mexico and Harvest Caye, Belize. For reference, we cruised through Costa Maya in November 2015 and there were no Cubans in the DF then.

Also, the customs form was changed sometime in the last six months. We returned from an overseas trip in May and on the form under tobacco allowance it said "Up to 100 cigars". It now says "Up to 100 cigars (50 Cuban)".

The times, they are a-changin', my friends.
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