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Old 12-11-2016, 12:43 PM   #364
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
Thanks for explaining. In Ohio, bills from the previous two year session die if not passed, and the process must start all over. Most annoying to lose out that way. To make it worse, the first week or two of each new session is all about resolutions that do things like rename roads and bridges for recently dead politicians.
I am def not an expert on how it works in Florida by no means. I learned what I do know last year mostly from a forum I belong to and following open carry. The house and senate have various committees that any bill first has to pass a vote and pass all the committees before a full vote is taken. The Senator I mentioned refused to hear campus carry or open carry in the committee he chaired, effectively killing the bill. Which as you can imagine enraged gun rights people. He lost his re-election mainly (opinion) because of it.
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