All except the part where that dirty gutterslut of a skankwhore Larry stole my tshirt.

Well done, Larry. All for a tremendously good cause, my brother.
I got all Ben's cast-offs cause he's moving. I'll be moving soon, I can't wait to see all the stuff I find. Me and Ben could probably have our own auction.
All that to say Thank You to each and every one of our brothers here.
Everyone can't participate in the auction, I'm sure. I know I can't afford it right now, but I'll eat Ramen Noodles. I like em.
Everyone here makes a difference. Just lifting up the toilet lid, ducking in, and saying "Hi" matters.
Someone comes here especially to see you, no matter who you are.
Without you, the auction fails.
Thank You to each and every one of you. Troop support is something that's been taught to me by men far greater than myself, and lies deep in my heart.
That's exactly where my Thanks come from.