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Old 11-17-2016, 09:04 AM   #2684
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Default Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by HailTheBrownLeaf View Post

Also for what it's worth, I've smoke cigarettes (though am trying to quit) for 17 years so could that also be why no other flavours jumped out at me?? Like could my tastebuds be already too fried to the point that retrohaling a stick wouldn't make much of a difference for me??
No, I wouldn't say that your taste buds are fried. People are all different. Some can taste everything and pick up subtle flavors, others can't.

I fall in, the can't.

I mainly smoke at HERFS, about once a month, and I still only really pick up flavors that are more pronounced. I wish I could pick up on all the subtle flavors and be able to describe them, but I'm not really able too. I still fall under basic category's; eww, not bad, good, hella good, OMG this is really good and where can I get this
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