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Old 10-27-2016, 06:17 PM   #81
Cigar Jesus
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Default Re: DBall's Newb (and not-so-newb) Blind Taste Test #6

AdamJoshua Cigar #3

Seems to be about PC sized.

Very nice milk chocolate wrapper, no veins to speak of, well packed, a little bit tight with a knot right where my fingers are pinching in the photo, doesn’t seem to be anything too major.

First Third: Lots of wood off the bat, no pun intended, it’s that wood you get when you chew on a No. 2 pencil. The last time I got something like this was a Monte Esp that was a bit tight as well, this is one of those unmistakeable notes to me, wish there was someone else here to try this, they might have another name for it or something more common as far as what type of wood, usually I can tell cedar or oak, but it’s not really either of those.

About half way through the first third and it’s a bit of a smokey oak and tea profile at this point, Is that something, well if not it is now.

Almost through the first third, very little spice to me, nice smooth snorking, nice sharp burn line with no touchups needed.

Second Third: starting out mild to medium the wood is going limp … phrasing … still a bit of wood but I’m getting more leather and a bit of sweetness, I would say honey but it’s way in the back, really faint and hard to pinpoint but it’s definitely not a sweetness like a chocolate or caramel.

Final Third: Strength is picking up a bit, almost like a licorice or anisette.

Overall a very enjoyable cigar, the tightness never came into play.

I’d go with 7 out of 10 smileys.

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