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Old 10-27-2016, 05:03 AM   #14
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: World Series who ya got?

Originally Posted by jonumberone View Post
I'm rooting for the Indians. I have nothing against the cubs, but the curse of the billy goat is baseball lore. It's endured for 100+ years and I'd like to see it last a 100 more.
I'm saying this as a MLB fan not a Yankee fan, but when the Red Sox won the series, it was a bad day for baseball. The game lost something.
I'm sure Sox fans will disagree, but after winning 3 world series since 04, they're just like all the other fans. There's nothing special about being a Sox fan anymore.
The breaking of the curse will only be a footnote in the history of the game, but the curses themselves are what take on a life of their own, and live on through the generations of fans.
Think about this, right now in Boston there are teenagers who have no idea what it's like to suffer as a Sox fan. That's crazy to me.
Dom I completely agree with this. Would turn the Cubs into just another team.
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Last edited by mahtofire14; 10-27-2016 at 05:08 AM.
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