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Old 10-14-2016, 09:00 PM   #3327
Porch Dweller
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Porch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to behold
Default Re: What's the last movie you watched II?

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil
It's been out for a couple of years but I'd only heard of it recently. It's a comedy of errors where a couple of hillbillies are mistaken for psycho killers through a series of misunderstandings. It's the best horror/comedy since Shaun of the Dead, IMNSHO. If you like horror and like to laugh, I highly recommend it. It's on Amazon Prime for free and Netflix, also.
A 1911 in the hand is faster than 911 on the phone
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