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Old 10-10-2016, 10:11 AM   #12
Porch Dweller
Life is for living
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Bolivar AirForce (Retired)
Porch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to behold
Default Re: Get off the Porch and go celebrate!!

Thanks for the well-wishes, gents! I've had a good birthday weekend. My wife surprised me on Friday with a "mini-vacation"; she'd rented a place on Dauphin Island for us and the dogs, so we spent the weekend there. Good food, good company, fantastic sunrises and sunsets, a fun if small aquarium to visit, some American history with a tour of Ft. Gaines (of "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" fame) and a nice beach.
Life is good, my friends.
A 1911 in the hand is faster than 911 on the phone
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