Originally Posted by T.G
Don't the Traeger's have a way to adjust the temp of the smoke setting or the smoke of the temp settings? I seem to vaguely recall something about that.
My pellet grill is from a different manufacturer, so that's all I really remember about the Traeger controller.
Yes, there is a way to adjust it, but I don't think that was the issue.
I just think there was no way for the smoke to penetrate the skin.
The only opening in the cavity was small, about the size of a grapefruit.
I think the next attempt I'll have them butterfly the pig, this will give the inside much more exposure to the smoke.
I saw somewhere that a pig that has been butterflied can still be tied in the racing position, but obviously it won't work on a spit.
Doing it this way might give me the results I'm after, both flavor and presentation wise.