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Old 09-20-2016, 08:19 AM   #5057
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
The prague #1, yes - standard dosing at 1/4 tsp per lb

The normal salt, no - that was by volume and some eyeballing was involved.

Once I got away from the points and into the main body of the meat, the salt level wasn't that bad. It was just I started cutting from the narrow end the other day and it was over salted. It was still a bit dry, but tolerable and needs to be served in a sub sandwich style, in other words, with stuff like tomato, lettuce, optional cheese, etc. which wasn't what I was after.

I think my biggest mistakes were that I had intended to cold smoke it after about 12 hours with the rub/cure, but got tied up with work and had to leave it in the cure for close to 48. It was cured almost all the way through, all I was after was a cure around the edges. Mistake #2 was running the SV at 147, I should have been 10 degrees lower.
Ok, if you're looking only to cure the outside, and not all the way through then equilibrium curing won't help you out much. But may be something worth looking into, as it guarantees you won't oversalt.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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