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Old 08-25-2016, 10:45 PM   #5098
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: What cigar did you smoke today VI?

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller View Post
Pete, as far as I'm concerned they're one of the best bang for your buck smokes out there. I've probably gone through five boxes of them over the last four years. I've never had one with two years on it, though. The longest I've managed to keep any on hand is about six months.

Oh, and sorry about the doggie mess! Hopefully it's nothing serious.
I don't think it's serious. She's a 6 month old Great Dane with a sensative stomach that likes to eat all my plants in the backyard. So this week I have literally dug up all my plants in the yard to keep her from getting sick until she is old enough to figure it out.

Oh and I don't usually have too many cigars with age on them, but I took a two or so year break from smoking and kept everything at humidity. So most of my cigs a have around 2-3 years on them. Been fun tasting the differences.
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