Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone
no gerrard dove, fell, slipped on a nanner peel... but I honestly can say thats the first time I've seen someone carded for diving in the EPL. ever. anyways. I'm not sure how you can say Gerrard should have been sent off, nor alonso. Alonso did hit Lampards foot, but lumps was playing in a dangerous manner.. (studs high) worse case scenario a yellow for both. From Riley's perspective (behind lamps) all he could see was his foot 10 inches off the ground. But the bosingwa thing? really? seriously? wow. Riley didn't have control of that game, but not a surprise.
I watched the game.
I am in the minority when I agree with the Lampard send off. Lampard did come in with studs up just above the ankle. Easy to break someone's leg and possibly end a career. I think officials need to crack down harder on this sort of play.
Gerrard went down way to easily. Has he been watching C. Ronaldo?
I believe referees need to crack down harder on this behavior as well. It ruins the game. It's getting extremely difficult for referees to do a proper job without players deliberately trying to cheat.
Can someone clue me in on the Boswinga incident? I don't recall what you are referring to.