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Old 08-07-2016, 10:03 AM   #711
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Default Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by luther View Post
I have a digital. There is not a calibration button on my new digital. I have done the salt test before but have always pushed the calibration button on my other digital. Make sense?
I have a digital with several remotes (Oregon Scientific). What I do is salt test them but then remember how far off they are. One is almost spot on and one is 1-1.5 % high on each testing. I number them to keep them straight. Btw, I salt test for 48 hours usually as that allows the whole environment better time to stabilize. I use a small tupperware like container.

Your hygrometer does NOT have to be perfect, it just has to be stable. If 72% is equal to 66% (after you check with a salt test, that is), then you know to subtract 6% to get the true reading. After a while, you will know that "when the gauge reads X" is where I like my sticks.

For example, the hygrometer unit that came with my Aristocrat is set to 60% right now. The hygrometer that is nearby reads 58%. The once at the bottom of the MX reads 59%. The one at the bottom is the one that is off, so I think that it is actually 2-3% higher at the top than bottom, based on calibrated results over many years. I don't sweat that they all read different because I know my humidor.

After time, you will also trust your humidor more than your gauges, provided you don't have any leaks.

Best of luck!
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