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Old 08-01-2016, 03:23 PM   #99
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: Virginia/Perique (VaPer) Showdown

Originally Posted by sonpuff View Post
Todd, just curious. Did you show your list somewhere after your post above.
I'd like to see it.
No, I have not posted it anywhere. I had not gotten an affirmative response.

But, as you have requested, here is my list. I post it here with a bit of commentary. As this is a "ranking", I had to put them in order, but the first 4 could change order on any given day. As Dorchester is so doggone hard to find, it should lose even more ground, but it is ridiculously good so it my stay up there.

1) G & H Louisiana Flake (I have not had any that was aged less than 4 years old in ages)
2) Samuel Gawith’s St. James Flake (I think this is FVF w/Perique)
3) Escudo (a class all its own)
3) Esoterica Dorchester
4) GL Pease Haddo’s Delight
5) Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture
6) McConnell Scottish Flake
7) P.S. Luxury Navy Flake (given the price, I smoke more of this than any other on the list)
8) C & D Night Train
9) Rattray Hal ‘O the Wynd
10) Dunhill’s Deluxe Navy Rolls
11) McClelland Beacon Extra
12) Solani 633
13) H & H Anniversary Kake
14) H & H AJ’s VaPer
15) P.S. Luxury Bullseye Flake
16) Tordenskjold - Virginia Slices (this would be lower, but it is already at the bottom)
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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