First, thanks for the welcome back. It is good to be missed. I hope to show up a couple times a week at least.
Originally Posted by MarkinCA
Well, I knew you were ok Todd, and just assumed you were taking a long breather... So,
I'm hearing a couple of things here: 1) we may just have a new place to herf in the "no internet" zone, and 2) a Sunday edition of the CA newsletter may be in order 
Good to see you back Todd and Goooooooooooo Packers 
Yeah, that could happen. If you have some dates in mind, let me know.
It is not a place we are moving into, but it is a "retirement" home, so I get up there to mow or to just get away for a couple days.
I do not need a CA newsletter.
Originally Posted by nutcracker
Hey Todd - welcome home - missing the pipe tobacco review man!
Hmm, did a few of those, but I am so set in my ways I do not try much new stuff anymore - at least nothing lately. Maybe I should branch out a bit and get some samples of some stuff to try. What would you like to see reviewed?