Thread: Humidor ???
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Old 02-01-2009, 05:41 PM   #15
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Default Re: Humidor ???

I live in the northeast (dry winter due to forced air furnace).
Indoors RH is right now 30% and gets as high as 40%.
I have 2 vinos with Scott's beads in them that are solid as a rock.
I have 2 desktops, 1 - 50 count and 1 - 300 custom built unit. They struggle during the winter.
The only thing I have been able to do to get them to stay above 60% is add a small dish of kitty litter beads that I soak completely with water. I know they suck as a bead but they do keep the moisture in the box. I dont use them to regulate, just as a constant source of moisture. In the boxes there is also reg beads that absorb what extra moisture there is from the Kitty litter beads. When I see the RH drop to about 63% I spray down the Kitty litter beads again until completely saturated. I will do this until the furnace quits running and the indoors RH climbs back up.

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