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Old 04-28-2016, 11:41 AM   #195
Brian D.
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

It's no surprise to me that there is such a divergence of opinion when it comes to "pocket carry" sized guns. Wasn't that long ago, the choices were .380/.38 special or smaller, caliber wise.

As long as I've been around firearms, I'm still willing to try new things when they come along, the learning never stops, and permanently settling on something is short-sighted, no wordplay intended.

For ME, even these little guns need a decent set of sights, but I'll leave my reasons out of this so as not to be a windbag. Point being, that takes certain offerings off the table for my use.

I would ask that those of you haven't experimented with carrying a fuller size gun at least keep an open mind, and try a few of them out too. Holsters and belts are better suited to this than not that many years back, it's way more do-able now.
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