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Old 04-26-2016, 11:40 AM   #193
Ashcan Bill
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Preacher View Post
I have been thinking about a pocket gun for some time, but the choices are overwhelming. Every time I think I have settled on one, I stumble across something else. I can't really decide between .380 and 9mm (like the firepower of the 9mm, but I think the .380 would handle better). I was kinda fixed on a Ruger until I went shooting on Saturday and one of the guys had a Kahr CT380. Nice pistol with a great trigger.
I picked up a P3AT for use as a pocket gun. While I prefer IWB for carry, if I want something small to shove in my pocket, the little 380 is hard to beat. And there are plenty out there to try and choose from. The P3ATs don't get a lot of love, but mine has never failed to go bang when I pull the trigger.
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