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Old 04-25-2016, 04:32 PM   #188
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
Been building up the gun fund by selling off magazines and other accessories from firearms long gone and not missed. Spent some of it on a S&W Shield 9mm this weekend.

It's as tall and almost as long as my M&P 9c, just a bunch skinnier and lighter when loaded. The trigger on this Shield has a slight rough spot, but some use will take care of that. Seems to have less over travel than my other M&Ps.

I put a Pierce base plate extender on the 7 round mag so that my pinky has something to grab, that helped in draws, handling, and shooting.

It hits just a tad high past 10 yards or so, not really a problem.

I see why my friends like theirs.
Congrats! Love my shield
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