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Old 02-01-2009, 11:44 AM   #16
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Default Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by DavenportESQ View Post
This story is a complete fabrication, and over exaggeration. anyone who knows anything knows that this guy probably gets drug tested more times than we can imagine. I am sure as soon as any news of this happened someone was knocking at his door with a specimen cup. Even out of season. The picture doesn't even look like him to me it just looks similar. Its a hard angle and would be tough to prove its him. You see a lot of "celeb nude" pictures where its just someone who looks like the celebrity.
I have a lot of friends who met him when he was in town and they said he was a really nice and overall just seemed like a normal college kid

1.Micheal Phelps coach is a native to the Columbia SC area.

2. A good friend of his who went to h.s together played soccer here.
I could care less one way or the other. Just a headline that caught my eye.
He had to know though if a picture like this got out it would at the least be a controversy.
--Anger Management Graduate--
WHAT the F^#% you looking at???
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