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Old 03-20-2016, 05:07 PM   #9
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Your favorite everyday stogie

Originally Posted by Specter451 View Post
I'll have to look into the legado de pepin cigar bob. With the amount of money I make I'm always looking for a good cigar at a great price and it often involves researching up cigars that aren't very well known. If I were to smoke padrons, or patels everyday id be broke as a joke lol so I prefer a lot of "off brand" handmades. If they smoke well and taste good thats fine by me haha. Thanks for the info.
That's why I get a lot of my every day smokes off of the Devil Site ( Then I take the money I saved and use it for the weekend and special occasion smokes, like Padron Annys, LP T52s, or Ashtons.
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