Re: Second Firearm Thread...
First thoughts on the M&P Shield. I got it outta the box and this thing feels good in the hand, I already had pawed one in a local store but only for a minute. It does seem pretty stiff on the slide but I am sure after some rounds that will loosen up some. Although it comes with a 6 round flush fit and a 7 round extended magazine, I made the choice to go ahead and get two extra 6 round flush fit because I intend to carry this as a BUG or in a pocket and the smaller the better, and I also like to carry two spare mags. Almost all of my fingers are sore from loading up the mags because DANG those springs are stiff. I also had already bought a Desantis Superfly pocket holster for it and I like that holster. It is very sticky on the sides and it also has a velcro piece that covers the whole pistol in a pocket. You can also remove the piece for a front pocket type carry. I have carried a Beretta Tomcat .32 in a Don Hume leather pocket holster for a while in the cargo pocket of BDU type pants and even though the Shield is bigger than the Tomcat it doesn't seem to be as heavy in the pocket. The superfly holster holds the gun upright in the pocket very well. It will probably be a few days before I get to shoot it but i think I love it already.