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Old 02-27-2016, 01:05 PM   #131
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Default Re: Second Firearm Thread...

I am about to purchase a M&P Shield in .40. My everyday carry is a S&W E series 1911 which i love. I have had a Beretta Tomcat .32 for about 10 years that I carry in my pocket once in a while. I recently got my PI license and in Florida even if you have a Concealed License (which I do) you can't carry with that license when you are working on a case. You have to get a Florida G Statewide firearms license. And you have to qualify with whatever caliber you are going to carry. Did that with the 1911, and will now have to do it with the .40. The .32 isn't an allowed caliber to carry so I figured I would get something that was on the list that is smaller (than my 1911) and I could fit in a pocket in a pinch.

Anyone have any experience with the 9 and the 40 shield? I was a little concerned that the recoil in such a small framed pistol in .40 would be snappy. Talked to a guy that has one and he said it wasn't a big deal.

I was able to get an awesome deal on one with my first responder discount. Looks like the pistol, and extra extended mag (for a total of three, it comes with two) shipped to my FFL and background check will be just a few dollars less than 400 bucks.
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