Ok, according to WikiAnswers:
Clint Eastwood said in a recent interview that he brought the cigars from the US & they were called "Virginians" & described them as a strong smoke that put him in a foul mood. He liked them cause the were long & skinny & he would chop them into thirds to fit in his pocket.
Traditional Toscani dry cured cigars (in the vein of DeNobili's) were my guess for a long time due to it being shot in Italy, but alas, this is not the case.
It has long been speculated that what he was smoking was the nub of a Marsh Wheeling cigar ( http://www.broadleafcigars.com/wheeling.htm ) which is probably the most period accurate smoke that you can still buy. They are a 7" x 34 ring smoke & can be considered hearty in comparison to other smokes of it's ilk.
I believe that Clint's "Virginian" brand smoke was any one of the million different Marsh Wheeling style knock off brands that was available in the 1960's. I can't find a google reference for it, so I am sure the brand is long dead & gone, but Wheeling's still exist if you want the experience.
Is anyone familiar with these at all?