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Old 02-17-2016, 03:27 PM   #13
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Default Re: Apple addressing security concerns.

Originally Posted by markem View Post
This topic has wandered far. The Apple notice was basically them patting themselves on the back for what they, and many others, have insisted for years; namely, a security backdoor is not guaranteed to only be used by the good guys. Being good capitalists, they do not want to dissuade consumers and so want to tout how well they are protecting the average citizen. Point in fact is that any reputable company is adopting the same policies. They are no better nor worse than Microsoft or Google or anyone else that hopes to succeed.

They are, however, US-based, which presents some challenges given the political environment. Samsung is not US-based and so can easily avoid US machinations, for example. For them, the US market is not dominant in their sales figures. For Apple it is.

If you are obsessed about the US government and its potential for overreach, then you applaud the Apple letter and believe that Apple is striking a blow for freedom and the American Way (TM).

If you are a realist, then you know that it is Apple marketing.

Weelok's last comment is weird in this context and he implies that he is a cryptography expert. I am not, but the whole wink-wink-nudge-nudge thing grates as it usually comes from wannabes. No comment on the whole RSA thing as I just snorted on that comment.
Heh, I think you read to much into my last comment. I'm no trying to establish myself as an expert and I withdraw my penis from the measuring contest however the key take-a-way is the iPhone encryption can be broken but it takes significant time and effort.

So if you look at one of my earlier statement, logging into someone's phone would take 46,656 attempts and that is trivial compared to cracking encryption.

Here is some information for those that care on encryption and time to decode. A thing to note is this is the time for a brute force attack.

Modern techniques used to crack hardware encryption, such as used on the iPhone, are explored in Wikipedia.
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