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Old 02-14-2016, 09:09 AM   #73
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Default Re: Cigars & our better half...

Originally Posted by rwiiames View Post
I got interested in cigars several years ago listening to "The Cigar Dave Show" on XM radio when I regularly worked weekends. I finally pulled the trigger a year ago and bought a desktop humidor. That didn't exactly go over well. The usual stuff, she has asthma, no I don't intend to ever smoke in the house. Smoking causes cancer. Cigars vs cigarettes.

After about three weeks to season, I bought a sampler. Some I liked and some I didn't, so I bought more and visited my B&M for recommendations. Then I saw the winador threads and found a wine cooler on Craigs List and have to fought to keep things under control since.

Through it all, my wife has made an amazing transformation. Initially she was openly hostile, then somewhat mocking. I kept to my word. I never smoke in the house and usually only have time for one or two during the week if I finish my run early (I'm an over the road truck driver, so I'm gone all week), and usually one on Saturday with a beer after I finish cutting the grass as my "reward". About July, she began joining me on the porch, and this fall and early December when we had a few warm weekends, she suggested I take advantage of the moderate temps and have a smoke.

Come Christmas time, she mentioned the kids asking what I might like for Christmas. I sent her links for a Xikar cutter and punch. The kids got me gift cards, she got me the Xikar!

A few weeks ago, I was thumbing through the latest catalog and she asked me if I saw anything I liked. I told her plenty, but many of them way out of my budget. I then dog-eared some pages and marked some samplers and fivers under $50 and told her if anyone was looking to get me a modest gift that I had marked a few things. Last night before dinner, she handed me a box. When I opened it, it contained a Brick House Mighty Mighty Sampler. I was totally blown away. I know it's not a Lost City, but I had gotten a Brick House in a sample pack and liked it enough that I was interested in trying others in the line.

All I can say is what an amazing woman. She puts up with a lot because of me being gone all week, and now this. I've always told people that I picked better the second time, and I realize that is more true each and every day.

Sounds like she's a keeper, Wes.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
-John Wooden
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