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Old 02-03-2016, 09:55 AM   #66
Formerly JJCigarReview
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Default Re: Cigars & our better half...

MY wife is very supportive of my hobby! She is always wanting to surprise with cigars, but always has to ask me which ones I like! She insists at least twice a week that I go out and enjoy a cigar. Sometimes more than that. She enjoys smelling my cigars before I light them, as do my kids. She isn't a partaker, however over the years she enjoys the smell of them burning more than she used to.

She also likes bringing me snacks or drinks when I am out there. Of course now that it is winter I have to go inside to get them, but she still has them ready!

She was even cool when I started removing shelves and whatnot from our shed so I would have a place to smoke this winter. A supportive spouse is definitely a blessing. I don't know how I could enjoy cigars like I do if my wife was opposed to it.
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