So a couple small items today. The rack was originally 75, then marked down to 50, I ended up getting it for 40 bucks, just needs a nice little rub down with Murphy Oil Soap...but then don't we all.
The Bull's Eye tobacco I got on a whim, I tried the Dunhill De Luxe Navy Roll and really enjoyed it, the guy at the shop said this would be more mild that that but I figured what the hell it's not that expensive.
They were out of folding stands so I asked if I could buy one of the ones in the cases that they were displaying pipes on, he couldn't find them in the system so he charged me 5 bucks
The lighter, well I only have torch lighters at home so I wanted something more specialized for my pipes.
I might end up moving the pipe rack to the mantle.. sadly the mantle is painted white so we'll see.