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Old 11-29-2015, 10:01 AM   #6
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Default Re: Recommendations for an electric/propane smoker

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 View Post
It doesn't need to be huge. Generally just smoke meats for my wife and I. I was looking at some of the ones Cabelas has and they all look like I'll have to hang racks of ribs to avoid cutting them down to fit. They seem to be about 30 in tall and around 15 in wide and about 12 in deep. Smaller than I want but in my budget that seems to be about the size I'm going to see.

I definitely lose heat out of the sides of my barrel grill. It's a cheap charbroil one as well so it takes a lot of effort to keep it steady.
The PBC uses hangers for ribs, it can do up to 8 racks at a time. You would think that they might burn with the tips being that close to the coals, but they don't and they cook completely evenly. It's spooky how well it works with how little effort.
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