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Old 11-02-2015, 01:41 PM   #15
Tio Gato
Uncle Kitty
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Default Re: Online Retailers

Hi Randy. I'm assuming you want to know about cigar related vendors online.
I think the days of poorly functioning web sites is over. Most retailers do a great job now. Live inventory is mandatory for me to use a site. Ya, I get that smaller shops can't do that always. But there is no way I'm gonna get on the phone to check if something they offer is in stock. (Minor peeve).

The single biggest problem I have with any retailer are grossly unrealistic MSRP prices to make their price seem like a great deal. I find that almost all sites offer very similar prices on their regular goods, but really stretch the truth on specials and e-mail only specials. Just yesterday I clicked on special offers from a huge and reputable dealer. (I've used them many times.)
They had a box that I love, I mean love, for 20% off regular price. Their 20% off price is exactly [u]double[u] the regular price of what some vendors sell this box for.

Caution must be used when there are "employee pricing", "blow outs", "liquidation sale" and the usual hype you hear from a used car lot. I know it's "buyer beware" but please. A retailer has every right to make a profit, but fooling us fools into thinking we are getting a special deal is low.

I am guessing you may be thinking of doing on-line retailing. I believe you may get better info if you ask what people like about e-commerce sites.
"You stink like cigars Uncle Kitty!" Said my Boo age 3.
"Kid, take care of your family and the hell with anyone else" My Grandpa Bubba.

Last edited by Tio Gato; 11-02-2015 at 01:47 PM.
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