I think I got it.
I can beat the evil empire if I just go buy a 5 or 5s off craigslist and don't insist on having the great big phone what I can actually read.
That "lease" stuff is just an aside if you need a phone or want the latest.
This 6+ is perfect for me, because, like I said, I can see it.
I'm a year in and have a year left to pay it off.
AT&T aren't getting their grubby little hands on it, ever.
Weeze just had to finally bite the bullet cause hers was broke all the time.
But now we have a back-up phone, so all is well. Until I see how she paid for hers.
Since it's a simple "pay-down", it's no big. If there's no interest and I don't need to turn in a phone, I'm happy.