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Old 10-30-2015, 06:09 PM   #17
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Default Re: What About This New "Leasing A Phone" Thing?

I have bought a couple of phones using AT&Ts NEXT Plan if that is what you are referring to. When you buy using the next plan, you basically are paying full retail price on an interest free loan. You pay x.xx amount and they spread out the price over a certain period of months. If you want to trade it in it has to be in working good condition. The trick is is you have 30 payments you can trade in on a brand new phone after 24 months and just keep paying the same amount for 30 more months. I did it because I tend to keep my phones forever. If you have a mobile share value plan, you also get a discount on the access fee for the phone as well. I have two iPhones with a mobile share value plan with 20 gigs of data per month. I used to pay $40.00 per phone per month and the data fee. Now i get a $25 per phone discount on that $40 because I bought both phones using Next.

I have also seen a lot of folks claim you are getting screwed and I guess that's a matter of opinion. The deal is this though: You always paid retail for your phone whether you knew it or not. The traditional upgrade was to pay around $200 for an iPhone to upgrade but you also paid that $40 access fee, with the next you pay retail for the phone, but you get a $25.00 discount so it usually works out to about the same either way within a $100 best I can tell.

I also think you come out way better by getting your warranty through Square Trade rather than your cell phone company. The cell companies always have high deductibles and it isn't worth it to me.
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