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Old 10-13-2015, 11:30 AM   #1347
Dogbert Consultant
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Default Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermenter?

Sounds good Bob

I brewed up what will become a vanilla oatmeal porter on Sunday, I used 1lb of oatmeal for a 5gal batch (approx. 16lb total of grains), I like my stuff really oatmeally so I'm guess that it wasn't enough, but I think it will be a good base to judge for future oatmeal porters. I plan on putting 5 split vanilla beans I the fermenter about a week out from bottling. This is my first time making an all-grain porter, but I did a partial mash a while back that used that many vanilla beans, I'm gonna use that as my guide and hopefully use the results to be able to fine-tune for future batches. This is one of my favorite style of beer, so if I can get it down I see many batches in my future
"Ignoring all the racket of conventional reality" - Keller Williams
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