Originally Posted by CRIMPS
For someone who interviews a lot of people, may I offer the following quick points that the majority of prospective applicants mess up:
* Verify your contact info in on your resume. Seriously 
* Have someone else look at your resume as well. You can't spot the mistakes. Preferably a woman.
* Once you update your resume, save it as a PDF. Don't send out your resume in MSWord.
* Add a cover letter if you send out your resume.
* In an interview, turn off your phone.
* In an interview, smile, and find some common ground with the interviewer. Many times, interviewers simply want to hire someone they see themselves becoming friends with.
* Show some passion for whatever it is your are applying for.
* Send a followup email after the interview, thanking them for their time.
Good luck. 
As someone that is stuck interviewing a lot of people lately, don't over sell yourself. We're looking for designers and if I see one more person that says there were a "Senior" this or "Lead" that, that has no idea what they are talking about I will scream. Today we had a girl that graduated a year ago and the only exp she has is some non profit intern work, oh but she was the "Senior Designer". Overwhelmingly under qualified people wasting my time just ticks me off, granted it's the people doing the pre-screening that suck at their jobs, we've already had to speak to them 2 times about the quality of candidates they are sending us.
Oh sorry that turned into a rant, but yes, don't oversell yourself or along the lines of Mark's suggestion maybe you could become a competitive eater!