Thread: DSL help
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Old 09-01-2015, 06:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: DSL help

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Did your bud swap out your modem and reinitialize your sh1t?
The modem has to have some settings that they (phone company) sets. My stuff wasn't reset at all and I have went and checked all the settings and everything is the same as it always was.

Originally Posted by kydsid View Post
How are your wired speeds. Can you map out your network for us, ex phone line->dsl modem->wireless router
If I disable the wireless on the modem/router, and the outdoor wireless and every fricken thing else ( I have it where everything plugs into the switch except the desktop, so I can segregate it all. When I have ONLY the desktop and it's hardwired the speed tests are the same. What we can't understand is all the xdsl stats are showing great attainable speeds and no errors.
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