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Old 08-21-2015, 10:51 AM   #2
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Default Re: are these box codes legit?

Originally Posted by pullins10 View Post
Hey guys I've got a lead on a box of MC #2 and I'm trying to figure out of the box code is legit. I've looked all over and can't seem to find any information confirming one way or the other.


I guess a better question would be how do you know if its a legit box code or a fake box code?

Any ideas?

Relying on the box code to determine authenticity is a poor course of action. All a counterfeiter needs to do is look at one legitimate box to get a valid code and then stamp it on every box they produce.

If the vendor did not remove the bar code from the box seal, you can run the bar code here:

You also have to look at the packaging, bands and construction to get an idea if the cigars are legitimate. There are some sites out there that have some guides on what to look for, but most of them are kind of dated at this point.

If you don't trust your source and can't verify the cigars yourself, then you probably shouldn't buy them.
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