Fantastic Four.
No, not THAT one, nor the other two THAT ones, which at least had Jessica Alba to look at. This was the unreleased 1994 Roger Corman version, with a budget billed in pocket-change and special effects on a level with the BBC's first season of Dr. Who. Interesting, as long as you go into it with the same attitude you'd view, say, Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Song of the South
No, not THAT one, which for PC reasons Disney has locked in the vault, at least here in the land of the free. This was a 2013 documentary subtitled Duane Allman And The Rise Of The Allman Brothers Band. Two hours of great stories and great music telling not only that story, but the birth of Southern rock itself. It's available to stream free on Hulu, and I highly recommend it.