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Old 08-03-2015, 07:22 AM   #4890
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by massphatness View Post
Trying my first ever brisket on the pit barrel. Not a full packer - didn't want to invest the dough only to screw it up.

We'll see ...

Had marginal success.

On the plus side, the flavor was absolutely wonderful. Nice smoke ring with a great smoky flavor. I used a simple, mild rub of black pepper, Kosher salt, onion powder, garlic powder & paprika which allowed the smokiness to shine through. Flavor & appearance-wise, this was a win.

The one (major) negative: it was on the dry side. I smoked this hanging in the PBC to about 165*, wrapped it in foil with a half cup of beef broth & put it on the grill rack until it got to 200*. Packed it in towels in a cooler and let it sit for about 4 1/2 hours. It made a nice au jus, but the meat itself was a touch dry. It was ok doused in the juice, but it wasn't juicy on its own at all, and made the meal a little disappointing.

As I mentioned in my OP, I went with a small brisket: it was roughly 4 lbs, and what I've been told by the more experienced guys on the board since is that it's difficult, if not impossible to get a moist brisket if you 're not doing a full packer.

Bottom line: the flavor experience was good enough to make me want to try this again. Next time I'll spring for the full packer and see if I can better my results.
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