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Old 08-02-2015, 10:18 AM   #4887
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Yeah, the concept of cooking over a live fire with the meat on giant skewers or grates that can be moved up and down is certainly nothing new and goes back centuries. The story behind the name "Santa Maria grill" and "Santa Maria tri-tip" or "Santa Maria BBQ" goes back to the 50's when it was popularized in CA by a local butcher in Santa Maria CA and then by a few restaurants.

Here's some more history on it

From a dumb pedantic point of view, my grill was actually built by "Santa Maria BBQ Grill Outfitters" so calling it a Santa Maria grill is actually it's proper name - kind of like Pit Barrel Cookers / PBC which is really just a upright drum smoker. I know, lame.
Thanks for the info! My local grocery just started carrying tri-tip so I'm going to have to pick one up and have a go at it.
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