Re: Tom Brady
I was waiting for the fans to get all over his jock in support once the suspension was upheld. I do agree though since there is a considerable amount of money at stake teams will do whatever they think they can get away with to win. It just turns out Brady and the Patriots are under this illusion they wont be caught or wont be punished when they are. I also still believe the NFL plays favorites depending on who is in trouble or how much trouble. Drunk driving and heroin possession is only 2 games? Steroids first offense 1 to 10 games, second offense 4 games to life reduced to one season. There are numerous other references that could be made as well. Simply put he got caught he tried to hide it and got caught hiding it. He should have just manned up from the beginning admit it and defied the NFL to treat him unfairly according to their already warped sense of right and justifiable punishment.
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