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Old 01-30-2009, 07:46 AM   #16
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Default Re: S-CHIP Required Reading

Originally Posted by alley00p View Post
I talked to my B&M owner a couple days ago; he mentioned for the first time, Fuente/Newman has discontinued the practice of "requiring" B&M's order a lot of sticks that they know they won't be able to move. Now, he can pick and choose for the first time since he's been in business (no more boxes of "curly heads" as part of his order )!

Yeah, my B&M guy told me the same thing. He said all he had to do was pick up the phone now and order whatever boxes he needed. So I asked him to pick up the phone and order a couple boxes of 858 Sungrowns. He chuckled and picked up the phone. They chuckled and hung up.
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