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Old 06-05-2015, 11:58 PM   #30
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Default Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by The Poet View Post

My problem with Apple is not with where they make their products, but rather how they hide their obscenely vast profits. Over the past ten years the total global . . . TOTAL GLOBAL FOR TEN YEARS!! . . . amount of corporate taxes on their hundreds of billions of profits has been in the neighborhood of 100 million bucks. Look at it this way: When you buy one of their products, the sales tax you pay is 100 times or more greater than the tax they will pay on their profit . . . which is considerable, what with their gross margin of 35%. Yes, 1 out of every 3 bucks you pony up for your Apple goes into their pockets, and stays there.

Do a little research, and be shocked at their greed. Even when dead, Steve still jobs you.
As long as you get what you pay for, what's there to complain about? It sure seems as though the public thinks they're getting what they pay for. If Apple was breaking the law, Uncle Sugar would come looking for them. No one else's wealth diminishes my worth by one penny. I do not covet my neighbor's goods, wife or otherwise. If you don't like paying that much sales tax then I would venture that your problem isn't with Apple's tax burden, but with your own, as it should be. Profit is not obscene; it is the engine of advancement and achievement. Almost every great thing about this country was created with profit as the motive. Without the profit motive there is no impulse to develop new technologies and advance civilization. Those who would instill envy in us for what others have, have other, sinister motives in mind and I'm frightened that otherwise smart people fall for it. It's a shame that only 1 out of every 3 dollars goes into Apple's pocket; they take all the risk, they do all the work, they do the innovating and Uncle Sugar does all the looting. What I don't understand is how anyone, besides Apple, could be upset that they have to spend 2 dollars to make 1.
"Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not." -John Galt
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