After weather this weekend Monday rolls around still over cast T* are up a little and 7 day doesn't even come close to freezing! I got up early and here are my results

Onion bed

Tomatoes/squash/and broccoli.
More tomatoes/water melon/ and celery!

Later today I will be putting in my PVC for irrigation system we went with soaker hose simply because we got the hoses for cheap and we will see how well it works.
We have had successful years in the past. The past 2 years have been very disappointing as far as gardening go weeds ate my lunch the 1st year then our city workers sprayed last year for weeds and killed my garden 1 month in!
This is my first year doing raised beds and we are looking forward to our results. I began doing home work on these almost a year ago. After talking with a couple of friends and neighbors they are trying them also.