Originally Posted by CoffeeWaterBeer
I can tell you this. I live in Baltimore City and the since the rioting occurred a few weeks back, homicide has skyrocketed. My neighborhood has a community Facebook page and every morning there is another post of a stolen car. Now I don't live on the West side, my neighborhood is pretty nice and relatively low in crime normally. What we're seeing is the effect of a trigger happy and lawsuit happy culture.
There was an article in the paper saying how Police are now reluctant to do their jobs. Worded that way is a little biased but I can see the point that was trying to be made. Who would want to go to work as a target, or watch every minute move in fear of lawsuit, scrutiny, or worse? It's the generalizations that need to go. Sure there are bad apples in any demographic but it doesn't reflect the group as a whole.
For what it's worth, I won the April pipe lotto and am taking sticks and tins to my local precinct once they arrive. If you are interested in joining in, please PM me. If this is a rule violation, please let me know and I will edit the post.
I work security at a downtown Boston college under the aegis of the campus police and they were saying the exact same thing.