Originally Posted by Blueface
Do it, enjoy it.
Mine came as result more of a life and attitude changing event.
Problem in life is we always put things off for tomorrow. Throw in that interest free financing and a wife nudging me over to get it and didn't really think twice.
Hope that new attitude for life remains when the bill starts coming in. 
If you can set up auto bill pay to complete the payments before the interest comes, you won't notice the bill.
I don't foresee a new watch for me this year. Buying a 2nd home right now and want to save for a sedan in the semi-near future. That could change when I am back in Singapore this fall... Watch fever sets in and any responsible decision takes a back seat. There's a couple of particular watches on my hot list, but I can't say I have really "earned" them yet.
There's a cool Breitling boutique in Singapore; 1 of 2 in SE Asia.