Originally Posted by Whee
I thought I should update this post FROM FIVE YEARS AGO.
I will graduate next Saturday with my Associates Degree in Accounting, with honors. I was named to the Indiana Community College All Academic Team and nominated (but sadly did not win) two national academic awards.
Mom's physical health is fine, but mentally the fog doesn't always clear on some days and those are challenging days for me.
Keeping busy by doing a lot of Masonic work and even started a part time job working for a "freaky fast" restaurant for a friend, so I now have cigar money again!  So all in all, what a long strange trip its been. 
Congratulations on the positive 5 year "re-boot" Sean. Great news for all at CA to hear!
What Masonic degree are you currently at Sean?
A couple of scriptures I like to turn to, to keep things going in a positive direction are:
Philippians 4 13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," and the one on my sig line.
I thank God every morning for a great day, and for providing my family with health, safety, and our financial security. We've developed a
"darn good relationship."
Keep it going forwards Sean