Originally Posted by DPD6030
My dept. just got 3 Wyndham Weaponry .223s for the patrol cars. I've tested two optics so far that are "cheap" and I can't recommend them to the boss man. Anyone have other red dot type optic suggestions? Boss was on a entry team and he wanted Colt Commandos with full auto but this little dept. doesn't have the funds for those or the Trijicon sight he had either! If money were no object we'd be ok. We might and I say that with a big gulp, might be able to float $600-1,000 total for 3 optics.
Take a look at the Vortex line of optics. The SPARC II is only around 200 each and is a great micro red dot and it carries a lifetime, no questions asked guarantee.

I have one on one of my rifles and love it!
You can also look at Primary Arms. I have no experience with them but they get great reviews as one of the best budget options available.