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Old 04-23-2015, 01:24 PM   #31
Nicotiana Tabacum
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Default Re: 2013 Big Smoke Las Vegas Review

Originally Posted by the nub View Post
I've been several times, albeit back in the early 2000's. IMO if you want to get your money's worth, i.e. drinks and food, go to the buffet FIRST. Tables and chairs were usually in short supply so if you were out running around for cigars and decided to take a break you'd be standing with a bag of goodies, a plate in one hand and a drink in another and nowhere to sit.

There will be enough cigars to fill your ticket book so there is no need to rush to get them and no sense at all waiting 10 minutes in line at a booth. If you like waiting in line, then get to the event before the doors open. If not, get there at the opening time and you'll get in just as fast as everyone else.
I've never been to big smoke, but always wanted to visit one of these large events and enjoy reading past reviews.

You sound like me, I wouldn't want to wait in any entry line for 1-2hrs just to be the first one in. I'd prefer to casually show up 10 mins late and walk right in.

With tickets, you're almost guaranteed to get your ticket's worth of sticks - so no rush, enjoy the food and hit up booths that have short wait times while walking around smoking.
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