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Old 04-01-2015, 02:00 PM   #124
Brian D.
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Default Re: First Firearms II

Originally Posted by Brian D. View Post
I made the "mistake" of looking closely at a Ruger SR 1911 lightweight Commander yesterday. Nicely put together, with some features I'd often end up paying extra to install on my own. After doing some internet homework later regarding price, it turns out I shouldn't have left the gun show without it. Non-buyer's remorse is the correct term I believe.
So...I resisted said purchase for almost a whole week! Or maybe that should be spelled "weak" in my case.

This thing seems very well thought out and put together. Shoots dead on with 230 grain ball ammo. Functions with that and jacketed hollow point, although I didn't fire off too many of those in it yet.

What I do to test reliability with defensive ammo without draining my wallet so bad is as follows: I load magazines alternating ball and JHP rounds. I fire the ball ammo and then make sure the next-up HP round has fed okay. Then I eject that and fire the next ball round.

But before trusting the gun for self protection I will fire off a few magazines full of the JHP's, even if it does cause an imaginary cash register sound effect in my head.

Somewhere about the 100 mark of JHP's downrange (and at least a couple hundred round nosers), without problems encountered, followed by proper cleaning and oil application I then deem the gun good to go.

Your mileage may vary but to date that system has worked pretty well. Of course if I do any parts upgrades that could affect function, more testing takes place.
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